
fish glue Learn more about fish glue

  • Where is the origin of croaker glue? Introduction to the distribution of fish glue in the world

    Where is the origin of croaker glue? Introduction to the distribution of fish glue in the world

    Huanghua fish glue believe many people have eaten, it is rich in protein, eating can beauty, health, is a very good tonic. So where is the origin of such a good yellow croaker glue? Where is it best made? Let's get to know each other. Yellow croaker glue is produced in

    2020-11-27 yellow flowers fish glue origin where worldwide distribution introduction
  • Hangtai Aquarium: how to choose and buy glass glue when gluing a fish tank?

    Hangtai Aquarium: how to choose and buy glass glue when gluing a fish tank?

    Fish tanks, I believe everyone should know, now there are many types of fish tanks on the market, but most of them are glass fish tanks, but what are the types of glass fish tanks, many people may not be very clear, actually glass fish.

  • Comprehensive utilization of waste materials from fish processing

    Comprehensive utilization of waste materials from fish processing

    The remaining fish head, fish tail, minced meat, scales, skin, viscera, bone, gallbladder and so on, contain a lot of protein, amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. Using these protein resources, a variety of deep processing products can be made, including soluble edible fish protein meal, liquid fish protein feed, fish scale glue, fish skin glue, bone paste, fish protein calcium sugar, bile pigment calcium salt and bile salt, etc. Comprehensive utilization of fish processing waste can reduce the cost of leading products, increase the added value of aquatic products, maintain the environment, reduce the discharge of waste water and waste.

  • Preparation of fish scale glue

    Preparation of fish scale glue

    1. Technological process: fish scale → washing, → soaking, → soaking, → liming, → flushing, → boiling, → filtering, → solidification, → scraping, → drying → products. two。 The technological process. After washing, the fish scales are soaked in 5% caustic soda solution for about 5 minutes to remove grease, fat skin and expand the scales. Rinse the alkali-soaked fish scales with water immediately, then soak them in clean water to remove alkalinity, until phenolphthalein does not produce red. Then the washed fish scales were immersed in hydrochloric acid, and the dosage was 12% (31% volume concentration of hydrochloric acid), and then decreased gradually, 8%, 3%,

  • Application of fish gum clarifier

    Application of fish gum clarifier

    Fish glue is a kind of collagen product which is prepared and purified from the swim bladder of tropical and subtropical fish. The triple helix structure of collagen is the active part of fish glue. The fish glue solution can be added in the process of the beer fermentor, or the yeast can be removed and added after the pre-fermentation is completed in the single-pot method. In the pH environment of beer, the positively charged fish gel can attract negatively charged yeast, which can quickly form larger particles and settle to the bottom of the container. Fish gel clarifier can also settle other small particles that can cause turbidity or filtration problems. In beer

  • The difference between white gum and red gum

    The difference between white gum and red gum

    Red glue is squeezed in the process of large-scale fishing, excessive hyperemia leads to visceral rupture, blood permeates into the fish belly, forming a large amount of blood, the color is dark red, and the fishy smell of red glue is about 30% more than that of white glue. The original gum phase has less blood penetration and pink color than the red glue phase.

    2020-11-11 Flower gum white glue and red glue the difference between red glue red glue is on a large scale.
  • Comprehensive Utilization of scraps from Fish processing

    Comprehensive Utilization of scraps from Fish processing

    The remaining fish head, fish tail, minced meat, scales, skin, viscera, bone, gallbladder and so on, contain a lot of protein, amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. Using these protein resources, a variety of deep processing products can be made, including soluble edible fish protein meal, liquid fish protein feed, fish scale glue, fish skin glue, bone paste, fish protein calcium sugar, bile pigment calcium salt and bile salt, etc. Comprehensive utilization of fish processing leftovers can reduce the cost of leading products, increase the added value of aquatic products, maintain the environment and reduce waste.

  • How much is cod glue per jin? What kinds of cod glue do you have?

    How much is cod glue per jin? What kinds of cod glue do you have?

    Cod gum, as its name implies, is a flower gum made from the swim bladder of cod. Because of its fresh taste, rich nutrition and high performance-to-price ratio, cod gum has become one of the most popular flower gum varieties in recent years. However, cod glue can also be divided into three, six or nine grades, due to differences in origin and size.

    2020-11-27 Cod fish glue price more less money one jin what kind cod
  • Is yellow flower gum the same as yellow croaker gum? Introduction to the varieties of yellow flower gum

    Is yellow flower gum the same as yellow croaker gum? Introduction to the varieties of yellow flower gum

    Yellow flower gum is the fish belly, which is the dried product of all kinds of fish swim bladder. It is famous for being rich in colloid, and its alias is flower gum. Because it is rich in protein, colloid and other nutrients, often edible oil nourishes yin, solidifies kidney and nourishes essence, making people quickly eliminate fatigue and other effects, edible and medicinal.

    2020-11-27 Yellow flower glue and fish gum yes the same Mo variety introduction
  • The difference between sensitive glue and flower glue

    The difference between sensitive glue and flower glue

    When it comes to flower gum, everyone must be familiar with it. It is a kind of nourishing sacred product, suitable for all men and women, young and old. What is the difference between sensitive gum and flower gum? What is the difference between sensitive glue and flower glue? The difference between sensitive glue and flower glue is that sensitive glue is a dry product of fish swim bladder, which is rich in

    2020-11-11 Sensitive glue and flower gum the difference one lift presumably
  • Introduction of ten common varieties of flower gum

    Introduction of ten common varieties of flower gum

    Flower gum, also known as fish belly, fish gum, is one of the "eight treasures of the sea". It is made from the floating and sinking organ of a large fish, the swim bladder, which is cut and dried. It is named flower gum because it is extremely glial. Anthocyanin, known as "marine ginseng", is not only a high-end treasure at the banquet.

    2020-11-27 Flower gum common top ten variety introduction flower gum also known as fish belly
  • What's the difference between flower gum and fish gum? What are the kinds of flower gum?

    What's the difference between flower gum and fish gum? What are the kinds of flower gum?

    With the increasing improvement of people's living standards, people can gradually afford the precious nutrients that were once prohibitive, while Hua Jiao is more famous as a nourishing tonic, especially loved by the majority of women. So what do flower gum and fish glue have?

    2020-11-27 Flower gum and fish gum there is what difference species class which
  • How to make rockery bonsai? Steps and methods

    How to make rockery bonsai? Steps and methods

    The method of making rockery bonsai? Rockery bonsai production needs to prepare the following tools, materials: tools: saws, chisels, pliers, hammers, panels, brushes and so on. Materials: rockery such as shallow mouth basin, rock, cement, sand and other rockery is the main body of mountain and stone bonsai, and only the rockery has been made.

  • Fish fillet with honey beans

    Fish fillet with honey beans

    Cantonese cuisine ingredients: 200 grams of fish meat, 150 grams of honey beans, 10 grams of carrots, 10 grams of ginger. Seasoning: peanut oil 30 grams, salt 10 grams, monosodium glutamate 10 grams, sugar 2 grams, wet cornmeal amount, sesame oil 5 grams. 1. Cut off the old tendons from the honey beans, slice the carrot and ginger, peel the fish meat, cut it into mud with the back of the knife, add a little salt, monosodium glutamate and cornflour, mix well and beat until gelatinized. Place the fish glue in a pan to dry, fry the fish glue over low heat until it is cooked on both sides and shovel into slices. 2. Under the cooking pot

  • What is the swim bladder of the yellow-lipped fish of the stone head fish family? Can you help me? What did you eat to grow up? How much is the market price per jin? What's the difference between Pseudosciaena Crocea and yellow croaker?

    What is the swim bladder of the yellow-lipped fish of the stone head fish family? Can you help me? What did you eat to grow up? How much is the market price per jin? What's the difference between Pseudosciaena Crocea and yellow croaker?

    Yellow lip fish, also known as money fish and gold fish, is a kind of protected animal in our country. It is expensive because the swim bladder has high value. At present, many people also cultivate it artificially. What is the swim bladder of yellow lip fish? Can you help me? What did you eat to grow up? How much is the market price?

    2020-11-11 Stone head fish family yellow lip fish swim bladder what is it can help Mo eat
  • How to clean the acrylic fish tank so as not to scratch?

    How to clean the acrylic fish tank so as not to scratch?

    How to clean the acrylic fish tank? Many fish friends will consult our master about this question. For cleaning the fish tank, generally speaking, if there is no fish tank, it can be cleaned directly. If there is any fish, it needs to be approved first.

  • Why is yellow lip fish so expensive?

    Why is yellow lip fish so expensive?

    Why is yellow lip fish so expensive?

  • What kind of animal is the broad belly?

    What kind of animal is the broad belly?

    Broad belly is a kind of food that people often eat in coastal areas, but many outsiders do not know what kind of animal it is and what nutritional value it has. Let's take a look at it. First, what kind of animal is the broad belly? Fish glue can be divided into broad belly and flowers.

    2020-11-09 Broad belly what is it animals body wide belly yes coastal areas
  • Introduction to breeding peacock fish

    Introduction to breeding peacock fish

    Family breeding peacock fish can choose breeding equipment and varieties according to their own actual situation. Those with a larger investment can buy a relatively high-end aquarium, equipped with advanced breeding equipment, and buy more expensive varieties; those with less investment or beginners can

    2020-11-08 Breeding peacocks fish breeding entry family
  • Making creative bonsai with waste products from home

    Making creative bonsai with waste products from home

    Living in the city, it is really not easy to have a green living environment. Since it is impossible to move into an ideal place that is more suitable for life for the time being, try to find a way to transform the small world where you now live.
